Adopting a retired greyhound

Sorry I’m late replying to your comments - I volunteer on Tuesdays so am not around very much.

Annie has settled down really well and has quickly become a part of our family. She is clean in the house which I am pleased about! Annie is a docile and friendly dog, she follows me around like a shadow at times - especially when food is in the offing. I have taken her for several walks and have had no problems with cats - we have passed several on our walks. She treats other dogs with disdain and carries on with what she wants to do, which is usually sniffing the grass and bushes. She walks very well - in quite a sedate fashion, which suits me!

Annie wears a muzzle when we go out for our walks - provided by the Greyhound Trust when we adopted her. I was told to use the muzzle for a few weeks until she was used to the area where we walk. She is able to drink when wearing the muzzle so there is no problem there. I was also told not to let her off the lead because if she sees something small and furry her instincts will take over and she will give chase - I have no intention of letting her off the lead! The walks are short, lasting around 20 minutes, again as advised by the Greyhound Trust.

The Greyhound Trust do not home their dogs with families who own a cat or any other small furry animal. They also vet prospective homes carefully prior to ownership. Our home passed muster because we have a 6 foot fence all around the garden with no prospective escape route - though I suspect that anyone who wants to adopt a dog of any breed would have the same inspection.

As I write this Annie is lying next to me dozing but as soon as I get up she will be wide awake because she will know it is time for her walk!

I will try to attach a photo later - if I can work out how to do it :slight_smile:

Well done Margaret & Annie.
That is really good news and may you have many happy years together. :023:

My previous UK home our good Neighbour who was a Tiller Girl at the London Paladin with Bruce Forsyth who she talked about a lot as he was such a decent bloke to the females unlike many of the others…She was most of all a Dog Lover. She had 3 retired greyhounds when we moved there in 2000. The area was on the edge of woodland and farmland so plenty of good walks and runs. Muzzled because that was a requirement but they were absolutely lovely animals. She had trained them well for any odd habits that they might have had…People, animals the all have there own characteristics which might not fit perfectly …She went on to take in 3 street dogs from another country. The were very timid at first but soon integrated well, mixed well with her other dogs in no time at all. She had 6 normally at any one time, so I would see a lot of her, boy did all that exercise keep her Slim.
Sounds like all is going really well for you Margaret. I am pretty clueless about dog training as always been a Cat Lover and my Mother brought my sister and I up to fear dogs, which we do not,luckliy just her, but Mups is on the ball though with her advice.

Glad that everything is going well Margaret Annie sounds lovely .

Thank you Mups, I am so glad that we took the plunge and adopted her. On Monday we had to leave her for a while because my husband had an appointment. I was quite nervous about what I might find on returning home but all was well - I think she slept the whole time we were out, I had left the radio playing for her so that might have sent her to sleep :wink:

Thanks Dianne, we have always had cocker spaniels but after the last one died we thought that would be it for us with dog owning because my husband is in very poor health. Then we found Annie and we are a dog family again! She is perfect for him (and for me) and being a large dog will not trip him up :slight_smile:

Thanks Muddy - so far so good :slight_smile:

Good idea. I always do that for mine too.
Partly because it’s soothing, but also because it stops them hearing every sound outside and barking while I’m out. :slight_smile:

Annie sounds happy and content, and a very good girl Margaret. You will very quickly wonder how you managed without her company beforehand. :smiley:

Hi Margaret :slight_smile: sounds like a very good match :slight_smile:

Yes Meg, a very good match working for both Annie and for us :slight_smile: