A Smart Car Saga

do you mean CB as in Citizen Band Radio…as I started off on the CB before progressing to being a HAM…
or does it have an urban expression…?

you might wish you had not said that Dexo, but no I do have a slow cataract ,now going on 10 years that is checked up on,
but just caused me to have stronger reading glasses recently.

I actually get the glasses made up in the UK from a thin lenses company as they to thin lenses that look thin…honestly…:smiley:
guess the company name Dexo?

Oops. Sorry Di.

Thin lens company? Gotta give a bit of a clue, surely

I don’t think joking about “ macular degeneration “ is funny!!

You certainly wouldn’t be :lol::lol: ( laughing) if you suffered from it!!!.

Bad taste in joking!

[quote=“Dextrous63, post: 2117150”]
Oops. Sorry Di.

Thin lens company? Gotta give a bit of a clue, surely[/QUOTE
Hi Dexo…Yes :wink:
That is the clue…

Agreed. Made a mistake in judgement for which I apologised.

Care to apologise for your mistakes in judgement?


Thought not

We all say things at times that are not so well received, I would hold my hands up high on that…move on Dexo will deal with your later…:lol:

No judgement…just told you exactly what bad taste your joke was in. “ it wasn’t funny”

Just like you tell me, when you disagree with something i say…I don’t class that as judgement…I will voice, regardless of being told by you that I’m judging…that’s just your own opinion.
We all need pointers at times.

Why tell me what I already acknowledged and acted upon? A pointer wasn’t needed.

No sign of your own apology for your errors yet?

Obviously not.

My Husband has it Pauline in one eye and I did not take offence just said you might want to take that back and a sorry from Dex…what more do you wish of him Pauline.

I have to have yearly MRI brain scans, so I am ok for messing up am I in your eyes?

Judgement Day again…

I made a comment…he replied to that comment.

Then you commented…are you trying to make more out of my first post to him?

No certainly not just pointing out that we are Human Beings with many feelings.He had already said sorry…

I was not in error, I replied to your not so funny joke.

No need to apologise to you…no conviction here.

Thanks Di.

Unfortunately we have to go through this sort of nonsense with pauline at times.

She’ll claim it wasn’t a judgement but an opinion soon.

Same old, same old!

[quote=“DianneWoollie, post: 2117458”]
No certainly not


how peculiar this is…

Ok what the hell is she on…

Just explained above did you miss it?

I can and will pick you up on stuff…just as you do me…

Is that judging…nooooo not in my book.

If one gives it.

Then be prepared for it to be given back.