A Message for Britain

I suspect that the same can be said about many European countries too

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What like this?

and this?

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Love it. :joy:.
But it is so true. I have in mind something about the rats leaving the sinking ship.
I have just last week had to pay £13000. To have knee replacement, because I could not suffer the pain for another six plus months, for the NHS.
Wonderful. Having payed my taxes, NI payments, all my 70 years working life, (Retired 14 years ago)
NHS. The queues will get longer now that we have allowed 1500 illegal rubber dinghy immigrants onto this island. Oh yes they must have priority for NHS treatment.
Rant over for now.
The going on strikes. Labour run unions? You work it out.

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Any minute now someone will say it’s all these selfish over educated young people I keep reading about on here :frowning:

Any what does the opposition (Labour ) have to offer to make things better??? OH I can’t remember them having any plans either.

In the U.K. or Australia ?
Australia has I understand just got a new government .


Realspeed has a point

We know nothing except the left wing labour MPs are out on the picket lines.

Idiots who will keep the Tories in power.


He is obviously referring to the UK, the new Australian government is a Labor Government or, as Juice Media used to refer to them, Shit Lite.

so re-entering Uk is NOT? a good idea atm?

Not unless you go by rubber boat apparently.

wot from australia? - I’ve got a few camels parked up that haven’t tried swimming yet?

I don’t think it matters where you start from but I admire your ambition.

well one of them ‘they’d called ’ ship of the desert’ - said he could do long distance?

There is so much talent in the country that is being actively wasted, talent that could collectively bring billions into the economy from foreign nations. An award winning actor said in June’s issue of Red Magazine that he knows so many people who are very talented who are wasted in Britain because they simply don’t get the opportunities. It’s these talented people who would bring money into our economy.

Back in the 70s when I was born, I never remember seeing homeless people on the streets and we had so much creativity. We had about 20 fresh British sitcoms that were brilliant and Carry on Movies. Today we have no sitcoms and most TV is reality TV. Entertainment, especially comedy, sells internationally and brings in money from abroad.

A publisher told me some years ago that talent counts for nothing in Britain any more. Only connections count. That are actively wasting talent that could bring in money from abroad. Back in the 70s, Liverpudlian writer Carla Lane was given opportunities even though she had no connections. She became one of our best sitcom writers penning classics such as the Liver Birds and Bread.

We should have talent scouts sent into every school asking teachers who their gifted children are. Those children should be helped to have opportunities to fulfil their potential. We should have grammar schools for the children of working class and middle class families on modest incomes.

No one has a problem with wealthy children attending private schools with smaller classes so why do they have a problem with working class children and middle class children from poor single parent homes attending grammar schools where they won’t be bullied if they work hard enough to achieve.

If we nurture British talent right across the country whether it is talent in sports arts, cookery and food, fashion design, literature, comedy writing, music, etc, we could become prosperous again because it is talent that brings billions into the economy.

One writer J.K. Rowling has probably paid millions in taxes to the government and those millions are then spent on the British people.

We need to NURTURE our talented children and adults so that the nation becomes prosperous again. Then, there wont be any need for cuts any more.

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excellent comments that make me weep for MY England! ex-grammar school boy

Your weeping is getting tedious man up grammar school boy .

You are living in the past a golden era when you were young .
Things change.
Trips down memory lane serve little purpose of course you didn’t see homelessness . It depended where you lived , squatting was not illegal and there were less people .

ignore her mate she’s part of the damaged fake antique furniture - they’re takin away next week!

Weren’t tramps homeless people?
Somehow tramps were perceived as being the unfortunate gentlemen of the road.

Yes there were tramps cast down by who knows what misfortune or inability to fit in with the world .
Funnily enough I saw one three weeks ago ( hadn’t seen one for decades ) he was barefoot in Waitrose .Bought a bottle of water and sat on the grass drinking it outside .
He was filthy poor man .