A giant step for hamkind: Hamster survives daring trip into the stratosphere on a flying balloon

I know :frowning_face: It was earlier on, when I realised just how many animals got flung into the sky.

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If the animals come back dead though they will know something is wrong, and it’s a good job they didn’t send a person…whatever you think about animals, humans are more important.

As I’ve got older I don’t think so.


Perhaps you don’t Mr Smith, but the persons Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter might disagree with you.

Well I’m sure the person concerned will have discussed being thrown into space, with their Sister, Brother, Husband, Wife, Son, Daughter at some length and come to an understanding and agreement.

No animal has been afforded this luxury.

My point being…people have choices. And people make choices for others.

Unfortunately (for some) us humans have to make hard decisions for the greater good Pixie.
And although I abhor cruelty, Animals are expendable.

Not for unecessary things like bloomin’ space travel though! :roll_eyes: There is no greater good in that.

Perhaps not Pixie, but when I see so much cruelty in this world I realise that it will never stop and this world is not a good place. I can only love and take care of the animals in my world. Being sent into space is not the worst thing that can happen to an animal.
Many of the luxuries and things that make your life easier today, were derived from man’s (and animals) venture into space. Knowledge comes at a price…

Only to other humans, Foxy.

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My vote would be to send repeat criminals. Those on life sentences.
The worst, most evil ones deserve it, innocent animals who have done nothing wrong, don’t.

Also, all the tests and results would be far more accurate if gathered from our own species, rather than a different species altogether.


Not to mention his sisters, and his cousins, and his aunts!

Probably sent more than one they knew they wouldn’t be coming back .

Totally agree

Well yes Mupsy, because that’s the species that we belong to… :017: