5 noises you hate

This rattlely rubbish, especially when used outside on a cobbled pathway, like my local Sainsbury’s local.


Hobby’s AnnieS…just enjoyment now…brucie bonus for moi… :woman_cartwheeling: :innocent:

Ha! I admit jazz can be challenging but worth it, mostly.

oh yeah those are super annoying

I’m certain very few people get to hear that Visitor :slightly_smiling_face:

Absolutely agree - leaf blowers are the most irritating sound constantly reving up and down, what on earth is wrong with a broom or rake?

Every spring a Eastern Koel takes up residence in a nearby tree and its repetitive call is also a bit annoying though not as bad as a leaf blower.

Yes, I know. The noise and particularly the vibration gets into your whole body even with best defenders. I’m sure that was one of the problems that exacerbated my hearing problems.

If this is the new world order, you can count me out.

I don’t think 35 years of working in power stations and steel works did my hearing any favours either.

Though to be honest apart from the noises I mentioned previously which irritate me I don’t think I could come up with 5 noises I actually hate. Hate is a pretty strong emotion though a leaf blower does come the closest.

People chewing gum
People slurping soup
Radio plays where the actors kissing sound like sink plungers!
Emergency vehicle sirens - though I do realise they are necessary.
Big Ben and all forms of Westminster chimes - clocks, doorbells etc.,

Someone crying not necessarily babies but adults too,
Chalk down a blackboard
Ringing in my head (tinnitus)
motorbikes that Richardheads ride with backfiring exhaust
Bassline music

Other people’s toilets flushing
The echoey sound in swimming baths
Human skulls cracking under steam rollers :grimacing:

My sister will sit in my company, loading up FB on her phone, and all I can hear are the video clips playing. It drives me potty.

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I would agree with that, partially. I really cannot class modern jazz cacophony as music.

Cutlery screeching on a plate
Hacksaws on metal
Radiators pinging
The sound of someone peeing (or… :flushed:)
Squeaky shoes on polished floors
Those comps the shelf fillers wheel around in supermarkets
Loud bass music from open car windows - particularly if you’re unlucky enough to be stuck next to one in a traffic queue!
Rap ‘music’ (the only word in the English language with a silent ‘C’)

The sound an empty coffee pot makes in the morning. :yawning_face: :yawning_face: