2017 cruise

Yep these outbreaks do occur, and in most cases the virus is brought on-board by thoughtless passengers. The fact that 252 passengers (in this specific case) have suffered is highly suggestive that the passengers were largely ignorant and failed to follow simple measures to avoid contamination putting themselves at risk and then ultimately exacerbating the issue. The article I read also stated that only 15 people were confined to their cabins. I find that atrocious and is probably the reason for the outbreak. On any P&O cruise I have taken, if you start to show symptoms of the virus you are immediately quarantined to your cabin for at least 48 hrs. They disable your cruise card for the duration so that you can not sneak out of the cabin and buy anything. It is taken very seriously. If anyone persists in breaking cabin quarantine they would be put off the ship at the next port.

Fred Olsen should have quarantined ANY passengers contracting the virus immediately and if 252 have caught it then 252 should have been quarantined. So not a good advertisement for their cruise line TBH.

On the one occasion amongst 25 when I began to have symptoms I immediately rang the reception from my cabin phone and told them I was sick and quarantining myself to my cabin and didn’t need any assistance thanks. A doctor came anyway to check me over, noted my fever and told me to take some paracetamol to bring it down. He said I would be ill for at least 48hrs and clear after 72hrs. I ignored his advice (as such people are not trained in Nature’s ways) and allowed by body to have it’s fever (which is a natural process your body performs to prevent bugs and viruses from replicating further). I took Grapefruit Seed Extract regularly to kill any bugs in my mouth and stomach and my symptoms were all gone within 12 hrs at which point I was ordering food from room service. Naturally I stayed in the cabin the full 48 hrs anyway to ensure I was no risk to other passengers.

This didn’t ruin my holiday in any sense, it was just an inconvenience for a couple of days but we simply enjoyed lounging on the balcony. All these things can be managed if you take your health seriously.

Definately for me Ruthio as I have never cruised :slight_smile:

Now I could get excited about these cruise ships and just love looking at them.

But these new multi-stacked monstrosities that look like they were designed on the 1960 Gorbal tower blocks of Glasgow and would be more use there housing the homeless, what are they all about? And non outside cabins must make camping in Snowdonia during January a luxury:-D

Oh hell, I find myself agreeing with Il Duce.
I must be wrong.

Don’t you start :slight_smile:

Yep Pum, imagine having to look out of your house at that new monstrosity they have built. Stack after stack looking worse than the slums in Moscow.

The sail cruises another story, but more for those who appreciate the beauty and want to feel really involved in the experience.

That is before you think while having diner, one mile of water below and just one inch of steel between:-D Worse…

Can I ask Duke have you ever been on a cruise?

see post 31 goldielocks. Only one he mentioned was when he was 3 years old. That was back in 1942 so a real expert on the subject from an armchair

I wondered why we were getting links to web pages and no real personal experience. Thanks realspeed

Apart from the main ship theatre you get entertainment like this all the time

Want is different you can chat with any of them before or after.
I had a long chat with the singer and band

Suppose brith place of Zeus Day trip our boat in distance

If you think that was a cruise you must be really daft. A cruise into the Atlantic from the UK around the Bay of Biscay when the area was full of German Uboats and all ships being used for the war effort. The reason I posted we were taking a long zig-lag course to stop being victims. All to win the war so you could enjoy freedom to go on your cruises, the freedom you so want to stifle from anybody who does not agree with your views on the joys of cruising which is many it seems.
No I have not been on a cruise, no need I would hate it as it ,as it provides nothing in life I enjoy and a great deal I dislike intensely .
As I posted I would pay the cost of a cruise to charity rather than go on one and consider the money well spent.

got to have a chat with her earlier which I got a wave at the end

not me that asked the question

The thing about this thread that irks a bit is that it seems difficult for some to accept that some of us really really don’t want to go on a cruise. (I hate the idea of entertainment put on as well!) We all have our own ideas of what we like in terms of travel, so, while some people who haven’t been on a cruise may consider it, others of us will never see the appeal. No need to try to persuade us otherwise!

I refer you back to post 6 when asked if I would recommend them. hence my postings.
No one asked for the anti cruise brigand to butt in or even trying to persuade them to try going on a cruise.

If read properly all I have done is talking about my cruise experience

I think the problem was started by some that don’t like cruising, Ania. There should be no need to mock and name call those that do.
Be better (and quicker) to just to simply say “not for me,” without calling them ‘snobs’ and ‘up their own backsides’ etc.
That’s when a thread starts to deteriorate.

Isn’t it a shame Mups that this happens. I appreciated all the comments from realspeed and realist. They took the time to give everyone cruise or anticruise an insight. There is definately no need for name calling.

Try post 69.

Just played that and it was diabolical . Is this a representation of the third rate rubbish they dish up for a lot of money.

So you spoke to her before she sang and she gave you a wave, lost me there fellow, why did you find that so exciting.

And the surround noise, what pleasure is there in all that? Even more when you can chill out on a decent beach and listen to a decent version of the song.

Duke calm down.